Exclusive Deals

Gateway to Waikiki Savings

Unlock the best of Waikiki with Luana’s exclusive offers. As your tranquil oasis nestled between Fort DeRussy Park and vibrant city life, we invite you to experience our unique “gateway” location with incredible savings.

Whether you’re planning a family adventure, a romantic getaway, or an extended stay, our specially curated packages blend value with unforgettable experiences. Book directly with us to access these limited-time offers and create lasting memories in paradise.

Please note that a daily $37 plus tax, per night, per room amenity fee applies to all reservations, ensuring you enjoy our full range of premium services.

Commit to Waikiki & Save Up to 45%

Save up to 45% on your Waikiki dream getaway when you reserve at least 7 days in advance. Luana Waikiki is located at the gateway to experience world-famous beaches, vibrant Hawaiian culture, and endless adventures.

Kamaʻāina Special - Save Up to 37%

Hawaii residents enjoy up to 37% off our best flexible rate and no amenity fees. Experience a staycation at Luana, blending park views with Waikiki’s urban energy. Perfect for locals seeking a nearby retreat with home-like comforts

Valid Hawaii driver’s license or state ID required at check-in.

Suite Rentals in Waikiki

A Suite Deal

Book one of our Suites or Specialty Suites and enjoy no amenity fee, complimentary wine, early check-in, late check-out, and no extra cleaning fee.

Sunshine Savings with Up To 35% Off

Enjoy up to 35% off our best rates for a sun-filled Waikiki getaway. Limited-time offer includes spacious, park-view accommodations at our uniquely located Luana Waikiki Hotel & Suites.

Outdoor pool in Waikiki at Luana Waikiki Hotel

Extend The Adventure With 7+ Nights & Save 32%

Save up to 32% on stays of 7 nights or more. Enjoy extended time to explore Waikiki, from tranquil Fort DeRussy Park to vibrant downtown attractions. Perfect for those seeking an immersive Hawaiian experience with home-like comforts.

Waikiki Fitness Center at Luana Waikiki Hotel

TLA Offer

Active US Military receive special discounts, waived amenity fees, and complimentary valet parking. Spacious suites near Fort DeRussy Park offer a comfortable stay for service members on personal travel.

AAA/AARP Special

AAA/CAA members, seniors, and AARP members enjoy up to 36% off. Experience the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure at Luana Waikiki Hotel & Suites, where smart planning meets great savings.

Government Rate

Government employees receive up to 10% off best available rates. Experience Luana Waikiki’s unique location, offering both park-side tranquility and easy access to downtown attractions.




2 BEDROOM WAIKIKI KITCHEN suite at Luana Waikiki


A Suite Deal

Book a Suite or Specialty Suite and enjoy waived amenity fees, no additional cleaning charges, a bottle of wine, and more.